The State of Social Media in China: Sobering and Confusing

With the rapid development of the Internet, social media has become deeply integrated into the daily lives of Chinese people. From the early days of Weibo and WeChat to the rapid rise of TikTok and Kuaishou in recent years, China’s social media platforms have continually evolved, providing users with diverse ways to communicate and entertain themselves. This evolution has given rise to a new phenomenon: social media web celebrities, or “wanghong” . These internet celebrities wield significant influence over their large followings, but their rise to fame comes with both opportunities and challenges. This paper explores the current status of China’s social media web celebrities, the opportunities and challenges they face, and whether most of them are aware of how they have caught fire.

Current Status of China’s Social Media Web Celebrities

Social media web celebrities in China range from fashion bloggers and beauty gurus to comedians and live-streamers. Platforms like Douyin and Kuaishou have been instrumental in propelling ordinary individuals to stardom. These platforms use sophisticated algorithms to recommend content, ensuring that engaging and popular content reaches a wider audience. This system has democratized fame, allowing anyone with a unique voice or talent to gain followers and influence.

For instance, Li Jiaqi, also known as the “Lipstick King,” rose to fame through his live-streaming sessions where he reviews and sells beauty products. Another example is Papi Jiang, a comedian whose satirical videos on social issues quickly garnered millions of followers.

Showing off this male lipstick blogger
Famous Lipstick Blogger: Jiaqi Li
Imagine Src: United News Network

Opportunities for Social Media Web Celebrities

Monetization: Web celebrities can monetize their influence through various means such as brand endorsements, sponsored posts, and merchandise sales. Platforms like Taobao Live allow influencers to sell products directly to their followers, merging e-commerce with social media.

Global Reach: The internet’s global nature allows Chinese web celebrities to reach international audiences. For example, Tiktok’s international version has enabled Chinese influencers to gain followers worldwide.

Personal Branding: Social media provides a platform for individuals to build and promote their personal brand. Successful web celebrities can leverage their online presence to launch careers in traditional media, fashion, and other industries.

Challenges Faced by Social Media Web Celebrities

Content Saturation: With the low barrier to entry, the number of aspiring web celebrities has skyrocketed, leading to content saturation. Standing out in a crowded space requires consistent creativity and innovation.

Regulation and Censorship: Chinese internet regulations are stringent, and content that is politically sensitive or deemed inappropriate can be swiftly removed. Web celebrities must navigate these regulations carefully to avoid censorship or penalties.

Sustainability of Fame: The fast-paced nature of social media means that fame can be fleeting. Web celebrities must continuously engage their audience and adapt to changing trends to maintain their relevance.

Mental Health: The pressure to constantly produce content and maintain a public persona can take a toll on mental health. Many influencers face burnout and stress due to the demands of their online presence.

Awareness of Their Rise to Fame

In China, most social media network celebrities are very aware of how they got their start. platforms such as tiktok and kuaishou offer analytics that provide detailed insights into audience engagement, helping influencers understand what content resonates with their audiences. Each online celebrity builds their own “brand name,” designing unique content and constantly creating new content. At the same time, the competitive nature of the industry necessitates a strategic approach to content creation and audience engagement. Influencers often work with social media strategists and marketing experts to optimize their reach and impact. Agreeably they also sell their path to success as a course, and even selling a course can make them an internet sensation.

Some examples of selling lessons on Taobao, China’s online shopping platform.


The rise of social media web celebrities in China illustrates the transformative power of digital platforms. While these influencers enjoy numerous opportunities, they also face significant challenges. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the dynamics of fame and influence will undoubtedly change, requiring web celebrities to remain adaptable and innovative. Understanding and navigating these complexities is crucial for sustaining long-term success in the ever-changing world of social media.


  1. South China Morning Post: The rise of China’s social media influencers
  2. Sixth Tone: The Life and Times of a Chinese Internet Celebrity
  3. Technode: How China’s short video platforms are shaping social media

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